What led me
to swim in the
icy water?
It all has started when I was looking for a subject for the “Holistic Maternity Care for Shiatsu Practitioners” assignment.
I thought: what could fit with my nature of man, which prevents me from this primordial capacity, this magnificent gift, this miracle that is pregnancy?
I thought about the necessary energy needed to fertilize the egg-cell, the energy to maintain and terminate pregnancy, to give birth to the baby and then support him, treat him, love him, educate him and leave him free to decide for him selves.
When some clients brought me problems on the placenta, I looked for the possible Tsubos, which could sustain a healthy pregnancy development.
Suddenly I found the topic: “Placenta and Shiatsu“.
Studying deeply embryology books and acupuncture, I had the confirmation that everything is so perfectly prepared and that the amount of energy needed for this miracle is unpredictable. So I wanted to find an activity that could be easily taken into account by the father, which should be intense and so that he could test his body strength. At the same time this experience should reinforce and prepare him to support the mother’s pregnancy and all that would happen later.
How to increase your energy level?
With Shiatsu I work with my clients, in order to nurture and support that part that allows going through life situations (illness, stress, emotions, something missing or to be fulfilled). So I wondered how the father could increase his energy level and be at the same time close to the mother. In addition to my regular Shiatsu sessions, I tried to increase the energy level with meditation and yoga, but I had the impression that everything was too “Yin”.
Therefore, if there is too much “Yin”, there is no balance!! I wanted to hear the “Yang” strength and nurture it … Wim Hof, who holds the world record of exposure to cold, took my attention. So, to the Shiatsu sessions, meditation and physical exercise, I added cold exposure (cold showers and baths) and breathing more energetically (increasing the level of oxygen in my body). All this while working and having a social life.
At first, I was tired and a bit lazy, but when I was under the cold shower everything was crystal clear: being focused on my body and maintain a temperature of 37 degrees, to feel my hands and feet were beginning to “complain” and hearing all the rest of the body which, on the contrary, was relaxed, warm and full of life … took me back immediately to the “here and now” to my intention to increase the level of energy, to boost my immune system and elasticise the circulatory system. Then the fatigue disappeared and all my cells happily vibrate! And then Boredom came with the sensation of an absence of something: I felt like a leashed dog pawing the playground.
On the way to increase my energy level
This was reflected in the practice of meditation, such as sports: I felt improvements, but they were clouded from boredom and the efforts did not diminish.
Then I began to question my activities actively, during the Shiatsu sessions, staying passive to Boredom and asking myself how I could be creative and grow …
What I realized, during a Shiatsu session, is that I was transforming my energy into “Chronic Boredom Movement” instead of transforming it into “Movement Nourishing”. A movement that comes from my heart and feeds the intention of being happy and healthy …
Whereas Boredom led me to be unhappy and frustrated. To feel this connection between needs and intentions has changed the perception of the practice by being Boring into being Joyful.
With the consequence that I changed my attitude from “fighting Boredom” to a skillful action that would allow me to feed my intention to have more energy.
Intense experience with the cold:
And here I am in November talking about my experiences with the cold to a journalist at the Coop Zeitung and, in January, to expose myself to cold for ca. 60min in Hoch-Ybrig. In the frozen lake I felt the pain of the veins and arteries that were immediately shutting. When I couldn’t focus on my core energy anymore and couldn’t feed my whole body with the warmth of my blood, I came out of the pond!
Nine months after my first cold shower, I am in the Pyrenees with Wim Hof and other 30 people to test my ability to feel my core.
From 1.7 to 8.7, in the fantastic region of the Spanish Pyrenees, I refined my ability to connect with nature and with my energy and where I met many interesting people.
All these experiences have given me access to new sources of energy!
Happy and relaxed in the icy water,
picture Coopzeitung/Heiner H.Schmitt Jr.
This has allowed me to refine my Shiatsu techniques integrating them in the work with clients. It has also allowed me to feed my “Yin” and the “Yang” side, finding a new balance!!
In this dual world, I feel the need to give space and feed my masculine and feminine side considering that my energy core is unique and pure. Thanks to the connection between mind, heart and body, I can nourish my intentions, I can listen to my needs and I can improve my perception.
I invite you to book a process with Shiatsu
to strengthen your “Yin” and to research how to strengthen your “Yang”.
I will be happy to support you through both processes “Yin” and “Yang”!
Shiatsu provides a space for self-awareness.
Without judgments, assumptions and expectations.