The Shiatsu aim is to activate and support the innate body healing energy.
 Shiatsu Therapy’s aim is to activate this energy and support the client to keep it alive and nourish it.
Massimo is dedicated to
support Women and couples before, during and after pregnancy; dealing with your disorder and supporting you finding a new balance in your daily life.

What is Shiatsu?

What is Shiatsu?

Literally Shiatsu means “finger pressure” (Shi: finger, atsu: pressure), but there is much more behind this word. Shiatsu is a Japanese body perception therapy, spread in Japan between the V – X century. Today Shiatsu is fully incorporated into the Japanese Health Care System and in Switzerland as a complementary therapy. This method is still used to promote the self healing energy to freely circulate in the meridians with questioning, precisely applied pressure techniques, manipulation of energetic points (tsubos), joints movements, stretches, breathing, visualization and specific exercises matching the client’s needs. The Energetic Channels, the so-called Meridians, will be free from stagnation and blocks. This activates and supports the innate body self healing energy.

Thanks to this experience the client will be more connected with his body and his emotions. During the treatment the client’s self-awareness will be sensitized to physical sensations, allowing him/ her to recognize certain actions or situations, which are not welcomed by his/ her body and cause an inner imbalance.

The causes of this imbalance could be brought by an “excess” or a “lack” of internal or external pathogens. The internals could be: repressed anger or eruption of anger, withheld joy or dissipated charisma, overflowing compassion or excessive narcissism, sealed sadness or exemplary perfectionism, everlasting fear or constant strategic attitude.
The externals factors are: wind, heat, humidity, dryness and cold.

Who can benefit?

Who can benefit?

Shiatsu is an empirical remedy oriented towards people of all ages who wish to be proactive on the causes of the imbalance and wish to live a healthy life. Below is a short list of topics which can be treated with Shiatsu:
– Tensions
– Stress
– Chronic Pain
– Headache
– Cervical, Back or Lumbar pain
– Disorders before, during and after Pregnancy
– Preparing to an operation
– Recovering from an operation or a trauma
– Lack of concentration (for example before an exam)
– Sleep or Eat troubles
– Support during the life changes to find a new psycho-physical balance
(Burn out, lifestyle changes, menopause, Professional und social reorientation, etc.)

Shiatsu is not meant to substitute a medical, psychiatric, physiotherapy treatment or other therapies.

Shiatsu before, during
and after pregnancy

Shiatsu before, during
and after pregnancy

My work during the period of pregnancy respects the connection between body and mind, between muscles and bones, sounds and resonance, between the new life and the parents, between breath and movement. During the Shiatsu session for pregnancy, I focus on women’s natural power to give birth. I support the clients to be in harmony with this miracle.

Depending on the objective of the client or the couple, I will work on: supporting the connection between the baby and the Mother. Showing practical exercises to prepare to welcome the new life. Showing aim-oriented exercises to regain strength in the phase between the contractions.
Supporting the role of the partner helping the pregnant woman during pregnancy, during birth and also after by supporting the recovery after birth.

Shiatsu Therapist during Pregnancy  (Jun 2016).
Diploma and training by Well Mother.

How does a session evolve?

How does a session evolve?

A Shiatsu treatment lasts between 40 to 90 minutes (or more). Through a conversation on the actual state and clinical history, the client and the therapist determine together the cause of the imbalance and both a long and short term goal. During a set of treatment, this goal will be continually checked and adjusted according to the client’s needs.

Then I ask the client to lie down in comfortable clothing on the futon. During the treatment, the client has the chance to be in contact with her/ his life energy: during a state of a deep relaxation or simply by experiencing lightness or the energy flowing.

At the end of the session, the client will have some precious moments to incorporate this experience in his/ her body and store it for the “everyday life” needs.

Shiatsu provides a space for self-awareness.
Without judgments, assumptions and expectations.