Access your own energy reserves!
Let’s start right from the juice of this article: I would like to focus on what pushes and accompanies us during a new activity. That source from which we draw when the curiosity of learning and the need for a challenge becomes irresistible. The energy we feel is not directly tangible, but it allows us to interact with the world and to give life to our actions.
Like that moment when, after having swum for approx. 1.9 km and having ridden the bike for ca. 90 km, I started “running” the 21 km that separated me from the end of Ironman 70.3 of Rapperswil-Jona. I was dragging my feet, my posture was incorrect and, believe it or not, I just wanted to eat pizza! And I wanted also something else: TO QUIT! To leave everything and to go home.
When the game gets tough, can you stay relaxed and find the path to your inner core?
Fortunately, I had already faced similar situations and I pulled out from my “Life Energy Experiences’ bag-pack” the same techniques that you need in a similar situation. In the situation when you need to find motivation and enough energy to achieve your goal. The same techniques that you can relate to and experience during a Shiatsu session and that I will shortly share with you below.
Every moment of each day is supported by a choice. Whether it’s “acting” or “not acting” the ultimate goal is always the same: a personal balance that meets your current needs, perceptions and intentions. Every day we have the opportunity to access this inner source of lively energy and we do it regularly consciously or automatically.
Each of us is ready to paint the canvas that every day presents itself candid in front of us.
Each action has a structure that can be simplified graphically with the symbol of Yin and Yang.
The teachings we have received in our live help us to choose the actions that will take us at the end of our day. These we constantly pack in our bag (Yang aspect).
The time spent on the rework of these actions and the way we have invested this expansive energy gives a sequencing structure to our bag-pack (Yin aspect).
Altogether these actions use our energy and will be added to our “cultural and educational” bag-pack. This bag-pack is the essence of our being, which contains everything that has happened, and is happening, in our lives. From the moment we have been conceived till today! What made us astonished and what frightened us (Water Element)! Creativity and apathy (Wood)! Love and Hate (Fire)! Empathy with the family, with friends or with strangers (Earth)! Everything we fought and all the injustices suffered (Metal)!
So if we want to access the seed, which is at the center of our bag-pack, we must act. Actually, the first step to find the path and to reach the core begins with digging, making room, removing, adding new, look for a moment when you can be relaxed and dive in this experience find all details of this status; trust your intuition and capabilities. Everything that we need to live a fulfilled, powerful and constructive life is in us from the beginning!
When we do this we will face our pure energy. Are we ready to use it to meet our needs and our intentions? If not, what does block us from doing so?
I have just realized that facing the pure energy takes time and needs love for details. What is more complicated, in the majority of my essays, is getting rid of the blocks that prevented me from meeting my needs and intentions.
So the solution, as the second step, pop up when you are facing the pure energy! When you stand in front of your pure energy, transform it into action that allows you to satisfy your needs and your intention. This will dilute the block. Take the chance to trust what you have in your bag-pack, be careful and aware of what’s happening.
So I did, when I was in that difficult moment that I wanted to quit, I remembered my intention and the path to my inner core, discovered during the Shiatsu sessions! Suddenly the energy needed to be unwound and I started running properly. I could run till the end of the Ironman 70.3 and finished in 6 hours and 51 minutes.
Mein erster 70.3 beendete in 6 Stunden und 51 Minuten.
Never stop looking for a way to meet your needs and intentions; satisfy your dreams and find the way to transform your intention into action, achieve your vision! Keep walking on the way to your source of energy, nourish your source of energy, let it nourish you and feel a mutual love!
Shiatsu provides a space for self-awareness.
Without judgments, assumptions and expectations.